Monday, July 7, 2014

Mondays....Kick Starting The Week

It is 9:42 on Monday morning. I haven't had coffee or beat to death any carrots, apples and endives for breakfast yet.

I sit here in a fog, knowing I have another 45 minutes left to write...just write. I promised myself a minimum of 2 hours per day....damn me!

I have been writing a book and the characters have hijacked it. Sometimes they just tell me what to type and I click away. Other times, they tell me to chill because they are thinking something over. At the moment, my protagonist is contemplating plane or car. Road trip provides more time to build a certain relationship but she really has to get where she's going. I bet she is drinking her coffee and a her juice and has probably already had a shower while I sit here with tummy growling, energy deprived and a tad bit smelly. Life is so unfair.

There is a family wedding on Saturday and I still have to get a dress, or a skirt; or the flu so I don't have to go. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a little shop on the corner where you could purchase little vials of Summer Cold or Twenty-Four Hour Flu?  I would take just enough of the serum to keep me home on those special occasions where "No, I don't want to!" is not an acceptable excuse!

When did I become such a recluse and a snarky recluse, at that?  Snarky snuck up on me though I really have never been much of a social butterfly. Give me a tall tree with a cozy nook in the limbs and a good book and I am happy.

Recently on Facebook I read a little picture that said:

I used to be such a people person
but people ruined it for me!

I could so relate to it....sad, huh?  Not always though. I love being with people at my house. "C'mon in, make yourself comfortable. Want some ginger-green tea or a gin and tonic?  How about brownies made with coffee and hazelnut extract?  Take your shoes off and curl up on the sofa! Read anything good lately?"

Ten o'clock...half an hour.....I bet I could do that half hour after my shower and green juice.

Okay, I'm going to make myself a deal. Shower, green juice and half a brownie. Then I will check in with the characters in the book. Maybe they will be more cooperative....oh, hell, who am I kidding?

I'm going to eat a whole brownie, skip the juice and go swimming. If you run across the characters in my book give them a message for me...."You snooze, you loose!"

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