Thursday, July 17, 2014

Continuing Introductions

This post is a continuation of yesterday's introduction to the characters I was instructed to dig deep into my personality to discover during a workshop.  We all have different aspects to of who we are, what our habits are, what we think and do. The workshop suggested we name at least 5 different characters, give them names and flesh them out.

I do not suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder but I do know that there are many faces to one's personality; you know, Doc, Grumpy, Sleepy, Happy and those other guys. My crew is very diversified, one even stepped out of the shadows to introduce herself. There are actually several Happy's and a Grumpy residing in my personality.

In my previous post, I introduced, Sinthya, Carly-Anne, Bill and Mrs. Richardson. Today I would like to reveal BabaMara, our magical, mystical cuddly crone; Ms. Machado, a teacher with incredible patience...for the most part. Last, but certainly not least, is snarky Beatrice; Beware Of Beatrice


Magic comes easy to BabaMara, it is in her DNA! She has long, unruly hair, as white as the whitest snow. She often wears it pulled back in a twist or in a long, thick braid but there are always lose curls and waves tickling her neck or framing her face. She manages to get most of it on her head, when she bakes bread or on hot days. BabaMara is ancient, she has lived other lives and brings the wisdom of centuries with her to the crew.
Photo Courtesy of

She never loses her temper, she bakes wonderful breads filled with secrets; she creates salt scrubs filled with answers to questions we didn't even know we had. She often takes us by the hand and walks with us in our dreams and if one should turn scary, she will whisper in our ear, "Breathe, Dear, it is only a dream." 

BabaMara wears long skirts (the better to shelter elves and brownies ) and deep pockets which are always full of whatever it was you were needing in that very moment. Her blouse sare long and flowing and full of color; they fly behind her in the slightest of breezes.She is usually barefoot, even in the garden or the farmer's market. Carly-Anne painted BabaMara's toenails a bright heavenly blue several months ago. The color matches the sapphire in her toe ring perfectly.  In spite of the passage of time and activities of daily living, BabaMara's nails look as if they were painted this morning. They never chip or grow out.

BabaMara is fluffy, not too fluffy, just the perfect amount of fluff for a soft place to lay your head when you need comforting and yet she can get out in the garden and take long walks in the mountains. She also has just the right amount of fluff to be able to peacefully float in a lake or pool without moving a single muscle.

BabaMara loves to float in the pool as naked as the day she came into the world, listening to the sound of her breathing and heart beat as it reverberates in the water. It reminds her of all the lifetimes she experienced, the births she's prepared for and the births and lifetimes to come.

Don't tell anyone, but BabaMara has "the sight"! She knows things! She knows when you are pregnant before you do. When she wants to speak to you, she imagines your face and your essence and lo and behold, the phone rings or there is a knock at the door and there you are!She sees angels and sometimes they talk to her.

Ms. Machado

Ms. Machado. Now she is a very nice woman. As I said earlier, she is the epitome of patience. She teaches; and not just us. She teaches those around her. She teaches babies concepts like over/under and above/below. She taught us to stop and crack open a dictionary when a new-to-us word pops up in our reading. She teaches us to try it again, when we have tried and tried and tried and failed.

She is a pretty young woman with olive skin and large brown eyes. She always wears a pretty pencil skirt and very pleasant soft blouse in light pastels. She has a deep hunger for knowledge and understanding.  She asks lots of questions of those around her which Mrs. Richardson find annoying, BabaMara finds delightful and Carly-Anne finds intriguing.

And finally, Beatrice

Beatrice is having a bad day! Beatrice is having a bad day, every day.  She has a constant frown and tight lips. She doesn't like heat, she doesn't like cold. She doesn't like whining and she absolutely doesn't stand for bullying.

Beatrice wears a long dark coat with deep, deep pockets. The rest of the crew will often dump whatever problem they have had, or sadness they are feeling in Beatrice's pockets with a quick,
"Carry this for me!" No please, no thank you, just "here, carry it".  When her pockets started to spill over, the Crew bought her a large canvas backpack to carry the overflow.

There are days when Beatrice just grumbles and snaps from the weight and burden of worries, concerns and hurts she carries.  Several times when she has slammed a door or barked out in anger, the crew jumps back and asks, "Hey, what was that all about?"
The Heavy Burden~Daumier ~ wikigallery

She tells them things like, "Well, he treated you like crap last week and I was protecting you!" Only to hear back, "Oh, That! That was so long ago, I forgot!" Beatrice swears alot!

Beatrice forever has her panties in a twist and her knockers up which causes her to always be aware of Anger Management issues and Impulse Control, which only adds to her burden.

The Crew have gathered several times to discuss giving Beatrice a 30 day notice but when she tries to pass the backpack and trench coat to the others so that she can hightail it out of here, they all go back to their activities and leave Beatrice to simmer in her corner.

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