Thursday, July 24, 2014

Happily Ever After

Elbows deep in clay today. Lots of the mud under my fingernails! I love, love, love playing in dirt!

As I was rolling out a slab of clay, I thought about the princesses and fairy tales I grew up with.

Most  of the princesses were in pretty miserable states at the time of the rescues. Miraculously, some cowboy in tights trots in with sword swinging and carries the distressed damsel away.  

The blissful couples trot down a trail to happily ever after with heart shaped clouds and cheesy smiles on their horses' faces. The End. Roll Credits!


Snow White had a pretty charmed life. Pretty dress,, birds and animals following her every command, room with a view.  When some other woman messes it  up for her she relocates to the forest where she meets seven delightful souls. She fixes them up with a little assistance from the forest animals. The nasty old woman stalks her and screws it up again. Obviously, Snow's mother and father never taught her that taking food from unlicensed street vendors was a bad idea!  If it hadn't been for the old biddy and her apple, Snow White really wouldn't have any need for Prince Charming.  She was doing a pretty good job of it herself. Seven men, animals to do the housework and a cottage in a forest. Hell, I should be so lucky!

Nice view, some good friends! Looks happy to me.

Briar Rose lived in a forest with 3 nanny-fairies, talked to animals, picked organic fruit off the trees and probably ingested a mushroom or two. I mean, who dances with birds and bunnies in cape and boots?  Some "prick" comes along and messes it all up and totally trashes the landscaping. Those dang spinning wheels! She had been pretty happy in the forest dancing with the wildlife until the King and Queen called her back to marry Phillip. 

Now this is what I call HAPPY!

Cinderella? Now her life was messed up! Her step-mom and step-sisters sucked big time.  She spent her days scrubbing chimneys and her bedroom was infested with rodents. She had a fairy-godmother who comes by and gives her a nice dress, slippers and a cool set of wheels. Why didn't she wish for a little cottage on the beach or a ticket to Cabo?  Talk about messed up, that fairy-godmother had some  priority issues!  Along comes some Prince with a foot fetish. He likes her tiny little feet and off they go to Happily-Ever-After-Land!

Hello!  Call your Godmother and ask her to turn evil step-mom into a toad!

In spite of all the tales of chicks who supposedly wait around to be rescued for Happyville, I think most of the women I know/knew don't/didn't spend a lot of time queuing up behind the "Happy Starts Here: Please Wait Behind The Line" sign.

I asked the crew if they ever waited around for someone to make them happy.

All but Beatrice said happiness starts with the self, everything else is just topping!

Beatrice's response? "Define Happy?"

1 comment:

  1. Having to leave a blog because of a stalker? That is so sad! I hope this will be your permanent home from now on!


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