Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Introducing "The Crew"

I took a class several years ago which really changed my life. One of the exercises was to  to dig deep and find 5 characters who live inside you and are part of you. They represent the subtle and not so subtle aspects of your personality. To name them one by one and fully describe and flesh-out of each of them.

So I dug down....didn't really have to dig too deep because the characters inside me were fighting for recognition and pushing and shoving to get to the front of the line.

I would like to introduce them to you, the Council of Adrianne:

Friends and Aquaintances, Ladies and Gentlemen, please meet, Sinthya, the spanish senorita of ill repute; Carly, the Hungry Artist; BabaMara; the cuddly nurturing grandmother,  who is magical, mystical and wise, Mrs. Richardson, the responsible adult (yawn) and, of course, Bill! 

Since the class, I have discovered the pleasant teacher, Ms. Machado and, sadly but honestly, Beatrice, who is snarky and a tad bit sarcastic and scornful! 


Sinthya (accent on the sin) is a spanish senorita of ill repute (retired...mostly), her breasts are firm and her nails are painted! "Sin" (that is what we friends call her) is all about the sensuous. She loves hot baths with lots of bubbles, oils and candles and an open bottle of Amaretto in a hand-blown liquer glass at the tub's edge.

She loves to dance, but none of that soft-shoe wishy-washy stuff....Sinthya does the flamenco. Stomping of feet and tossing of head, flipping of skirt....aaahhh, check out those legs and that red slip.....oh mama!

She is tall and voluptuos. She only wears matching bras and panties and can create quite a disturbance if BabaMara wants to slip into those cotton grandma panties that can tuck into the 18-hour bra....(when she remembers to wear it).

There was an 8th personality, Susie-Homemaker, who was brutally murdered by Sinthya after organizing the friends' underwear drawer by color and suggesting that we could save money by foregoing the ultra-soft quilted toilet paper and purchasing bulk TP at Costco. Wistfully, none of us really misses Susie and we're not sure where Sinthya hid the body.

Sinthya loves the scent, taste and texture of all things including food, sex and drink. Whatever she does, it is all about the sensuosness and richness of it. She loves bed but rises early every morning to drink her tea or coffee outside, while the morning mist rises from the lawn and pool, just so she can return to bed, fluff the pillow, tuck the sheets around her and drift off into the land of Mornings Dreams, ah delicioso!

Bill is forever 39, lanky, loves hats of all kinds, though he can usually be seen neatly tucked under an Indiana Jones' fedora. He typically wears worn levis, a white t-shirt with a Marlboro hard pack rolled up in his left sleeve. He doesn't actually smoke Marlboros though, the box has loose tabacco and papers in it and he rolls his own. Bill loves a cold beer on a hot afternoon, preferably a Del Pacifico or Ice House brew.

He has three, count them, 1..2..3..addictions. Watching People, Watching Movies and Reading Books. He spends the rest of his time quoting the said people, movies and books.

Often when Carly (the Artist) gathers all the cleaning supplies and prepares to give the house a thorough going over (hell, someone's gotta do it since Susie-Homemaker's early demise) she gathers said supplies and rags and sponges, goes to one end of the house and Bill announces in a clear, masterful voice...."Gentlemen, start your engines."

When the sound of an engine is heard in the driveway and the Friends (the group of characters) check out the window and see that the Mother of Adrianne has come to visit, Bill trades in his levis for a tuxedo and in his very best Michael Buffer voice announces..."Lllllleeeeeettttttssssss Rumble!"

Anytime people are starting to get aggitated with each other, Bill whispers that great quote from Monty Pythons Holy Grail, "People, lets not bicker about who killed who!"

Bill's repertoire is constantly growing and he is always....always whispering some appropriately irreverant statement and making me smile at the most inappropriate times.

Carly. The Artist

The Artist....We call her Carly at the moment, but she changes her name like she changes her underwear, well, actually she often forgets to wear underwear but it is purely unintentional. She puts the undies on the bed but by the time she has showered she has forgotten that she put them out (and is running a little late anyway) so doesn't wear them ~ kind of by default.

She is often distracted by beautiful sunsets, incredibly blue water, clouds that resemble angels and turtles and castles and yes, just clouds, really big clouds.

Carly is actually distracted by most things....she even keeps a little paper taped to the phone at work so that when she answers it, she can look down and see where she is just, in case she forgets!

She and Bill have a love hate relationship. Carly will often start to tell a story....oh she does love a good story...and after several minutes of meandering around the story she will often stop herself and mutter, "..well, to make a long story short...." in which Bill always responds with, "Too Late!"

Carly loves art, she loves to create, to paint, to draw, to write. She often is not as productive as she would like to be because she is kind of the runt of the Adrianne-Crew (friends). When we have certain tasks and responsibilities that we don't really want to do or feel said tasks are menial and undeserving of our status, Carly is the one who gives up her time to clean up after us.

 ("Would you like some cheese and crackers with that whine?" asks Bill somewhat lovingly....

"Shut up you, asshole!"

"No, you shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"Kids! Don't make me turn you into frogs again!")

Oh, I have so much to tell you about BabaMara, the mystical, magical old woman of the council?)

Well, as usual, the spotlight is off of Anna....oops, did I forget to tell you that Carly has changed her name...she is really into sculpture at the moment, especially the work of Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington and would like to be called Anna...

 ("I know you can get the job, but can you do the job"

"Shut up, Bill!"

"No, you shut up!"


So, anyway, Car......Anna loves to create, but she doesn't have a lot of time for it, she is much too busy taking care of....."

 "Carly-Anne, stop making excuses....just get out there and create or I will turn you into a frog!"
A little sidenote, the Crew wanted to listen to The Fray but Carly-Anne had suggested we kick back and listen to the Sound track of Pajama Game but then they suggested that maybe Carly-Anne could just go in the kitchen and bake up some brownies while we rock-out.....and she did!

As I dug around in the depths of us, looking for different aspects of my personality, I discovered Ms. Richardson. I hadn't noticed her before because, while the other aspects were jumping up and down demanding attention, Ms. Richardson was hard at work.

Ms. Richardson is quite intelligent, her IQ tests have never fallen below 136 and often top 140. She is also very creative, much like Carly, uh, Anna, Carly-Anne ("with a hyphen" as Carly-Anne has been heard to state). but unlike Carly-Anne, Mrs. Richardson gets down to work.

Mrs. Richardson designs web sites and brochures, she is an event planner and great marketing specialist.

Mrs. Richardson is very mature, she is a self-starter; very capable. She wears fashionable yet comfortable shoes but dresses much more professionally than the rest of the council. She is often down-right upset with us because we might grab a burger on the rush and drop mustard on one of her really nice blouses or sweaters. (though Carly-Anne is quite capable at getting the stains out).

Mrs. Richardson loves her books, always non-fiction, she loves the etymology of words, debating politics and creating marketing plans and writing grants. Research is her love and forte. She and Bill will often argue over which books we are going to read next, which books we will keep and which will be tossed out or passed to Carly-Anne for her art.

We think Ms. Richardson is English and that her first name might be Edna but we really don't know for sure and quite frankly none of us is really brave enough to ask.

She is a no nonsense women. She eats, but only small delicate sandwiches, drinks her coffee black, always asks for "just half, thank you" when offered any food item.

She enjoys sex but merely as a perfunctory habit to keep her complexion clear and help her sleep, she would never do it in the morning and sure as hell is not going to do it under the trees in the forest or on the beach in broad daylight, like Sinthia...."that is purely an inappropriate use of time." (She says that about a lot of the things we do....we do them anyway!)

We all call Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Richardson, and if you dare ask her what her friends call her, she firmly responds, "Mrs. Richardson".

She is responsible, reliable, trustworthy, prompt and makes sure we shower daily and pay the bills on time. She is in charge of the finances and grocery shopping lists.

I will introduce you to the rest of the Crew in the next post, it seems that Carly-Anne and Mrs Richardson are arguing over what's-for-dinner. Mrs. Richardson would like a salad, a meat dish, a vegetable dish and mashed potatoes and Carly thinks we should run to Carl's Jr. I'm going to back Carly-Anne up because I could really use a little cheesecake while I contemplate why I would introduce our Spanish senorita of ill-repute first!

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