Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Blue Cupcakes, cont.

Four of my granddaughters and my niece baked and frosted cupcakes a couple of nights ago while the rest the house slept. There were many cupcakes and various sizes; large, medium and mini. All the cupcakes were topped in blue frosting.

My sister and I took our coffee out to the pool. The midnight bakers were sprawled about the leaving room floor and couches, apparently resting up from cracking eggs and mixing dough. Sis and I sat at the edge of the pool, our legs dangling in the inviting water. Within minutes we accepted the invitation!  An early morning swim was in order!

Never let anyone tell you that sleeping teens cannot hear conversations through dreams and exterior walls. By the time my sister returned in her swimming suit from the guest room, the pool was full of swimming, laughing, splashing girls. We all joined in.

After 20 minutes, I heard the kitchen window slowly sliding shut. I did a quick head count. All present and accounted for.

"Someone is in the house!"

All heads turned to the window. The morning reflection made it impossible to see who had invaded the cupcake kingdom!

"What if the intruder eats all the cupcakes?" our youngest granddaughter is 9. She worries about such things.

"It's okay!" Yelled one of the girls over the splashing, "We'll be able to tell who ate them!" She stuck out her tongue. It was bright blue.

All the other tongues popped out of mouths, all sporting the same royal blue!

"We'll just stop people walking down the street and  ask them to say, "ah!"

We continued to swim as my sister  painted the image of the police line-up in our minds. "I can see it now!" she describes the scene. "The room is dark. Five suspects are lined up in the bright viewing box. An officer leans forward and speaks into the microphone, "Will suspect #1 please step forward and stick out your tongue!""

p.s. Appears our intruder was only Papa. He popped home to pick up a couple of CD's he needed for work.  Papa's co-workers teased him about the color of his tongue all day!

What happens at Nana's,  doesn't necessarily stay at Nana's!

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