Saturday, September 27, 2014


There are times that I question whether Free Will is a gift or a curse!

A dear friend once told me that a dilemma is having to make a decision between two objectionable choices.

The crew and I are right smack in the middle of a dilemma. Mrs. Richardson knows what she thinks is best for us and Bea, of course, has her preference. The rest of the troops are kneeling next to the pool with their heads under water. They are refusing to come up for air until I leap off the fence, committing myself to action, one way or the other.

I'm going to miss them!

Usually, when a decision is to be made, I take a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle. The left column gets the word:


At the top of the right column, I write: (yes, I actually use a pen and paper like in the "olde days")

Advantages / Disadvantages

Under options, in this case, are two simple lines:

Make A Big Change.

Make a couple of little changes within the status quo.

Though I have considered a third option:
Don't make any change.

The third line is a cop-out, so I'm hesitant to give it any energy and Bea stomps her foot every time I attempt to write it down.

Act III is not a time to be weak or scared or indecisive but, I have to be honest with you; I don't think Act III is a good time to make any grand booboos either!

So, I ponder the lists in the right column:
Sense of self-worth/
Living in my own integrity/

/Scarey (yes, I am a bit of a coward)
/ Some other stuff
/ and some other stuff

Being a woman who believes in a higher spirit, I could place it all in God's hands but I find that God often expects more from me than I have.  We will definitely have a conversation about expectations on Judgement Day...and timeliness, definitely timeliness!

I could take the spinner out of the box of the Life game in the family room cabinet, make my own little boxes with possible options and give it a spin! I'm not sure that spinner and I ever had much of a relationship, so maybe that's a no.

Maybe a pair of dice! Odds, I Make A Big Change; Even, I make little changes within status quo!  Bill just pulled his head out of the pool long enough to yell out "3 out of 5"!  He's right, I would keep raising the odds to keep myself from making a decision.

A puddle grows around her feet as BabaMara wrings pool water from her skirt. Her face is a little pruney! The crew has been under water way too long!  "You cannot make this decision alone, my love. There needs to be communication, discussion, boundaries set!"

I love BabaMara but she obviously inhaled way too much in the 60's. It seems to have affected her memory. There has been communication, discussion and boundaries!  Yet, her comment does inspire a new column: 

Moving Options to the middle of the page:


New left column:


Being heard
Being acknowledged
Being respected

Pull your heads out of the water, Peeps! We're jumping off the fence! Looks like Make A Big Change wins!

Get that spinner out and lets see where we're going!

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